Saturday, February 5, 2011

1st day of the rest of my life

This blog is being written today from an adorable little coffee shop in Charleston South Carolina at a place called Wild Flour. I am drinking the most delicious chai tea and listening to Cold War Kids- Louder Than Ever, sitting across from my sister.

I decided to start writing this blog to document my ridiculous* life.

I am 23. My friends can tell you that I try to live life. Let me LIVE. When I am trying to snap a girlfriend out of a funk my MAIN point is that we are in our 20's! These are the best years of our lives. When I'm 30 or 40 I want to look back and my 20's with no regrets (well maybe a few ;)) and say i had the best time i could have possibly had. My parents always talk about their 20s with a smile on their faces and i plan to live my life the same way.

Recently i have been struggling with my path. I have reached a point in my life i have been trying to get for about 6 years. I am proud of myself for reaching this level of maturity. Let me explain: I know who I am. It is extremely hard for most people to say that and mean it. I am strong. From now on i will only be that person and only keep people in my life that accept me as I am and add to that person instead of change or try to change. I don't want to change for anyone! I am awesome the way I am! That being said, I am definitely not perfect. I have a lto to work on to be an even better person.
That leads me to my struggle. I know who I am. GREAT. It definitely doesn't pay the bills.
I recently quit my job. I was working at a place that made me happy, but evolved into a place i dreaded. It was an emotional roller coaster working there and like i said i am do not want to be somewhere that isn't adding to my life its taking away.  Maybe that is immature or "ballsy" even stupid. I have 1 life. 1. I do not want to be a drone in this life working day in and day out somewhere i hate. i want to be somewhere i add to their company and my work is appreciated. I learned a lot from this past job but it sucked me dry and i learned all i could from being there.

well i ran away. well i really wasn't running away i was running TO Charleston. I am visiting my younger sister. Being with her is extremely beneficial for me. As her older sister i should be the one teaching her things, giving her advice and sharing my life lessons i have learned, with her. I do share everything i can with her but i learn most in hearing myself when I'm talking to her. I don't even realize the lessons i have learned until i am digging deep trying to help her be the best person she can be. I learn a lot about myself through her. She has always told me like it is, even if i don't like it. She is a constant in my life i think everyone needs.  

Well that's enough for now. I promise this blog will not always be this serious. I want to document the craziness that is my life. I am in my 20's i never want to forget it! every night that adds to my 20's and all the ridiculousness i was to write about. I will write about the advice and wisdom my Friends give me and i give my friends. Great Time ahead. They will all be right here!